Space Circus Media
A Minor Setback: A short story comedy

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Who on Earth?

It's important to understand that while executive level bureaucratic aliens may present themselves with a stringent front, there is always room for improvement, especially when a clumsy entrepreneur has a knack for stumbling upon solutions. As Robard’s impatience and foolhardiness pull him away from his delivery, his work, and his life, he is led to discover the challenges of adaptation for himself and those from another world.

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Robard has 5+ years as an Accounts Fusion Clerk. This is advantageous, seeing as how the Accounts Fusion positions have been out for less than one year. He's Able to pivot to cutting edge Agile responsibilities. Has Worked closely with stakeholders, while thriving in a fast-paced environment and meeting aggressive deadlines. He's energetic, motivated, team-oriented, and a fast learner of fraudulent developments in cubic iron pyrite. Robard has a passion for identifying problems and devising elegant solutions to extended vortices breaching the thermosphere.

Character Concept Art in Development